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Operating System and Software
- Rocky Linux 8
- podman-1.9.3-2.module+el8.2.1+6867+366c07d6.x86_64
- Why to use NFS storage with podman on Rocky Linux 8 ?
- podman fails with the following error
podman volume create --driver=nfs
Error: error running volume create option: not yet implemented
How to Fix
Create the NFS volume using the following syntax
podman volume create --opt type=nfs --opt o=rw --opt device=<nfs-server-ip>:/<nfs-share> nfsvol
Note: Replace nfs-server-ip
and nfs-share
Diagnostic Steps
1. NFS Client
[root@rhel8u2-12 ~]# podman volume create --opt type=nfs --opt o=rw --opt device= foo foo
[root@rhel8u2-12 ~]# podman run -v foo:/foo -i -t registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7 touch /foo/text
2. NFS Server
[root@rhel8u2-14 ~]# ls -lah /nfs/text
-rw-r--r--. 1 nobody nobody 0 Dec 3 01:27 /nfs/text