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Reset MySQL root password in CentOS 6 / 7

Sometimes you forget passwords. And MySQL root password is not an exception to those. However, it’s quite easy to reset it via SSH.

Follow the steps below to reset the MySQL root password.

Change MySQL root password in the SSH command line

Login to SSH session of root user on your server first.

For MySQL up to 5.6 inclusive

UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('password') WHERE User='root';

For MySQL version 5.7 and above

Create file /var/lib/mysql/init.sql:

SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('YourNewPass!');


chown mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/init.sql

Adjust your my.cnf and add:


Restart MySQL:

systemctl restart mysqld

That’s it. The password is already changed. Don’t forget to remove the .ini setting and the .sql file.

Now save your new password to a safe location and never forget it 🙂
We recommend KeePass application for securely storing passwords.

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