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Optimize website images automatically

You might have read our previous post on best tools for optimizing images, and now wondering how to automate those optimizations.

An instinctive solution is a cron job that runs optimization utilities against website files which have been added recently, e.g.:

0 1 * * 1 find /path/to/dir/ -name '*.jpg' -type f -mtime -7 -exec jpegoptim -q -s -p --all-progressive -m 65 {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1

Why this approach is wrong?

So what is the proper solution? Meet xattr and inotify Linux kernel subsystems:

Leveraging xattr

# expects: dir (or current)
# for setfattr command
yum -y install attr

find $1 -iname '*.jpg' -exec sh -c '
  for i do
    getfattr -n user.q --only-values "$i" 2>&1 | grep "No such attribute" >/dev/null && jpegoptim --strip-all --force --all-progressive "$i" && setfattr -n user.q -v 100 "$i"
  done' sh {} +

find . -type f -iname '*.png' -exec \
  getfattr -n user.optimized --only-values {} 2>&1 | \
  grep "No such attribute" >/dev/null && \
  setfattr -n user.optimized -v 1 {} \
  && zopflipng -m -y {} {} \;

Leveraging inotify

This script will help with automatic images performance optimization.


# The backup directory to create where the image file is found before compressing it.

if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then
    echo -e "\e[1;31mNo watch directory provided as script parameter. Using current working directory as watch dir \e[0m "

inotifywait -o /var/log/compressImage.log -dr --timefmt '%d/%m/%y %H:%M' --format '%T %w %f' \
-e close_write $WATCH_DIR | while read date time DIR FILE; do
       echo "${NEW_FILE} found"
       # Use appropriate if clause if you want to optimize other formats, beware output is always png
       #if [[ ${FILE} = *.png ]] || [[ ${FILE} = *.gif ]] || [[ ${FILE} = *.bmp ]]  || [[ ${FILE} = *.tiff ]]; then 
       if [[ ${FILE} = *.png ]]; then   
       echo "processing $NEW_FILE"
       # As a result of optipng optimization below, a new close_write gets fired for the same file. 
       #But no loop as optipng won't be able to optimze it any further on second run and we will be ok.
           optipng -o2 -keep -preserve -quiet ${NEW_FILE}
           mkdir -p ${BACKUPDIR_PATH}
       mv ${DIR}${FILE}.bak ${BACKUPDIR_PATH}/${FILE}
       elif [[ ${FILE} = *.jpg ]] || [[ ${FILE} = *.jpeg ]]; then  
          echo "processing $NEW_FILE"  
          # As a result of optipng optimization below, a new close_write gets fired for the same file. 
      #But no loop as optipng won't be able to optimze it any further on second run and we will be ok.
          jpegoptim -p -t --strip-all --strip-icc --strip-iptc $NEW_FILE
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