PrestaShop Server Setup


Service to install and configure software on a new server, specifically for PrestaShop.
We will install Varnish, PHP 7, Percona MySQL.
And of course we will install and configure your new PrestaShop store, optimized to work with excellent performance.

Don't have a server yet? Get one here.

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We have by far the largest RPM repository with NGINX module packages and VMODs for Varnish. If you want to install NGINX, Varnish, and lots of useful performance/security software with smooth yum upgrades for production use, this is the repository for you.
Active subscription is required.

We provide PrestaShop Server Setup as a service.

There is one major pre-requisite for this product – a VPS or dedicated server with CentOS 7 64 bit without any panel (why you have to forget about panels? because they slow things down).

If you don’t have a server yet, head on to Vultr, Linode or DigitalOcean and register for an account.

After you complete your order for PrestaShop Server Setup product from this page, we will request your credentials to your server (VPS management).

Own server

We will provision your server with all the software required to run PrestaShop store with excellent performance. Typically this include everything from The Citrus Stack.

New Linode account

We will spin up and provision your server with all the software required to run PrestaShop store with excellent performance.

One free PrestaShop store migration* is included in this order. We will migrate your PrestaShop site with all the data onto the newly setup server.

*Migration is the process of moving website files and database over to new server. PrestaShop version migration is not supported.Vultr


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