Free RPM repository usage


An RPM repository is a compilation of precompiled software packages that can be installed on Linux machines. RPM repositories provide a simple and secure way to install software packages without having to build and manage them on your own.

Our commercial RPM repository ships with modern and secure versions of packages for Enterprise Linux distributions.
It targets individuals and companies which want the convenience and security of packaged software.

Building and maintaining everything, especially binary packages, requires significant time and computing resources.

This is why, after years of free availability, the main GetPageSpeed repository, became a subscription-ware, similar to RHEL.

Free packages

Nevertheless, many of the packages are freely available in our repository. This page details what and where is available for free.

If you’re an individual seeking to expand your system with packaged software for your Enterprise Linux system,
there’s a way for you to use a set of packages from the GetPageSpeed repository, completely free of charge.

Fedora Linux packages

All of our Fedora Linux repositories are available for anyone, absolutely free of charge.

Participate in our Fedora Bug Hunt program to earn one year of commercial subscription to all distribution repositories.

All packages provided by GetPageSpeed are proprietary and are subject to our Terms of Service. Unauthorized distribution or modification is prohibited.

Tengine packages in the getpagespeex-extras-tengine repository

Tengine is alternative NGINX distribution with a lot of extra functionality. Its packages by GetPageSpeed are available for free for users
of any supported distributions (which is any RPM-based distros our there).

Platform-independent packages in the getpagespeed-extras-noarch repository

All platform-independent packages are free. They are hosted in the getpagespeed-extras-noarch repository.

You can install a vast array of very useful security, performance, and convenience packaged software. For example:

  • Malware Detect
  • fds, the go-to FirewallD client program. Allows you to block arbitrary IPs and countries with a single command
  • WordPress CLI
  • iTerm2 integration: iterm2-utilities and iterm2-shell-integration-bash
  • Lua libraries for NGINX Lua module

There are many noarch packages for CentOS/RHEL and derivates versions 6, 7 and 8 (click the links for listing all packages).

How to disable the commercial repository

If you’re on an Enterprise Linux, you require a subscription to use platform-dependent packages.
But if you want to use only the free repositories like getpagespeed-extras-noarch or getpagespeed-extras-tengine, simply disable the binary packages repository:

sudo yum -y --disablerepo getpagespeed-extras install yum-utils
sudo yum-config-manager --disable getpagespeed-extras

Example of installing fds free of charge

sudo yum -y install yum-utils
sudo yum-config-manager --disable getpagespeed-extras
sudo yum -y install fds

But why you should subscribe?

Our subscription cost is very small. With the subscription in place, you get a lot more software to empower your system.

How much does the subscription cost? It depends. We use several factors to give you the best pricing.
Navigate to the subscription page, enter your server’s IP address, and process to the payment page.

If you like the price as it is, be sure to subscribe to keep that price. There are chances that the next time you come back,
it’s already higher.

If you don’t like the price, check back later or ping us on WhatsApp. We do give bulk discounts, as well as discounts for yearly commitments.

After subscribing, you can yum install and yum update much more effortless than compiling and bringing your system down by using outdated software eventually.

The subscription:

  • Gives you security, same as RHEL does. Because essentially, you are getting fixes earlier than elsewhere.
  • Saves you time. Don’t hire a developer, wasting hours installing something. Subscription to this repository is far less than hiring someone